The course was great!!!

 The instruction is based on videos we made for the course. from one new student: 
"We have made it about one third of the way through the information. The videos are just unbelievably great! He explains things in such an easy to understand manner and has influenced our family not only spiritually but politically as well! We are just loving the class and while we have much to learn, I believe we will be ready by august. My biggest obstacle will be on the memorizations: we have nearly half of that memorized but are curious if there will be a test for the Beit Din and mikveh or if we can just prove to the teacher we have retained the information (most worried about our pronunciation of the blessings). Please tell the Rabbi  our family adores learning from him and we cannot say enough good about the way he teaches! What an amazing man!

"I hope this email finds you and yours doing well.  I wanted to let you know that I completed conversion  in Orlando.  The Rabbi  spoke very highly of you.  They told me I was well prepared.  I can't tell you how nervous I was.  I had reread my conversion essay I'd written for you and the course materials several times.  Thank you for helping me be prepared!  I think your course is great!! Chris, June 2014
"I finished the last week session  It has been an incredible enlightening spiritual journey for me and I am very blessed to have learned and studied from you with your incredible curriculum and amazing videos. I have learned so much over the course and I now have the tools and foundation to move forward. I am amazed at all the history of the Jewish people.  I am so excited to convert and have found a religion that I love and agree with. Thanks again for the amazing course it was a Mitzvah reading every word that you have laid out for me! I will never forget this experience and it has changed my life for the good." Michael June 3. 2014

Our  conversion program is described by our students as "thorough", "inspiring", "fun", "easy to comprehend," " a real bargain", and "exactly what was missing"!


                                              New Jew: fiance from Boston


  •  I wanted to thank you for all of the effort you have put into this course. For people like me, it  is exactly what has been missing.  Michael, Germany
  • We learned so much and you made it seem is was fun and easy.  Mary,  Monoco
  •  I can't believe that I have just sent my final session. The course has been so enjoyable and informative and I cannot wait for my conversion to finalize everything." Iona from UK Jan. 2014
  • I'm very excited about the  visit and conversion conclusion, can't wait! It has been extremely educational and I couldn't wish for a better program :) Thank you so much and see you on March 24th !! Nikita Thailand
  • I just want to admit that I cannot describe how I am happy. With you and the help of Hasmen a new path opened in my life. I am really delightful for everything which I am learning and becoming a Jew via conversion period day by day. Thank you very much for everything.

  •  I was studying with a Reform Rabbi for online conversion and he charged me almost $250 a week and left me broke. I didn't think it was worth it so I found you guys and I am so glad I did."


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The Process of studying and converting

 This website is dedicated to those who are considering  becoming "Jews by choice."  We want to make your journey as e...